Krzysztof Lewandowski: I see some progress

Fot. Jarosław Pabijan

KS APATOR Toruń lost the first quarter-final match against EBUT.PL STAL Gorzów 42:48. The absence of their leader, Emil Sajfutdinov, and problems adjusting to the track were tough on the team from Toruń. Losing on their home stadium puts the Toruń team in a difficult position before the rematch.

It was a very tough match and as you can see, it didn’t end well for us. Now we have to clear our heads and approach the match in Gorzów anew and fight to win the two-legged tie. This deficit can be overturned. Speedway has seen such situations before. We are going to Gorzów with the intention of winning – commented Krzysztof Lewandowski.

The young player of the Toruń team scored 5 points in this match. He also won the junior race, and in the first series of starts, he was the only Toruń rider who managed to win his race. He was certainly a strong and important point of his team in this match, but it was not enough. – I see some progress in my behavior and my results. I am very happy, though it’s a pity it happened only at the end of the season, because it might have turned out a bit differently. However, I have mixed feelings, because on my part, the match was quite good, but the team lost, so there’s nothing to be happy about. – summed up the junior.

A big problem for the hosts in this match was the starts. They were unable to adjust to get off the line properly and win the run to the first corner. – I lost one start quite significantly, the reflexes failed, but also the bike. Everything came together like that, but quite quickly, in the parking lot, we identified the problem and the next one was already better – he explained.

In the 12th run, Robert Lambert’s bike broke down at the start. The Briton was therefore excluded from the restart, and Krzysztof Lewandowski had to face this race alone. – At first, I was in a slight shock because I didn’t see what happened. When the start manager invited us back under the tape, all thoughts were cut off and I just focused on doing my task – admitted Krzysztof Lewandowski.

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