Janusz Ślączka: Toruń team was strong. Bonus point is pleasing

Fot. Patryk Kowalski

Although KRONO-PLAST WŁÓKNIARZ Częstochowa lost the match in Toruń, they managed to save the bonus point. – It wasn’t easy – said Janusz Ślączka, the coach of the Częstochowa team.

Jakub Keller (ekstraliga.pl): You lose the match in Toruń, but the bonus point goes under Jasna Góra. Was the minimum plan on Motoarena accomplished?

Janusz Ślączka (coach of KRONO-PLAST WŁÓKNIARZ Częstochowa): We always aim for the full prize and approach each match with the belief of winning. The Toruń team was strong. Very strong even. That’s why the bonus point is pleasing. Because it wasn’t easy to get. We had to fight for it on the track.

On the Toruń side, Antoni Kawczyński shone. However, your juniors didn’t impress. Was that the missing link in this match to reach for the mentioned full prize?

Indeed. Their points were missed. But everyone could contribute something. We are a team. And speedway in this form is both a team and a very unpredictable sport. Nothing can be predicted for sure in advance.

When saying this, you probably mean Mads Hansen and Maksym Drabik in particular. Could they have added more?

Both are trying very hard. And there were significant changes in Maksym’s garage.

What kind of changes?

He switched to different engines. The day before the match, he trained on the new units.

It surely isn’t easy?

Exactly. It was the first match after changing the tuner. And that’s never easy. He has to get a feel for these units because he doesn’t entirely know what to do with them yet.

Photo: Patryk Kowalski

And Mads Hansen? After the first race, where he brought a point with a bonus, didn’t he deserve a chance in the fifth race?

We had to react quickly because the hosts were pulling away. We also had the fight for the bonus point in mind. That’s why I decided on a tactical reserve. It was possible, so Leon Madsen rode.

Did the Toruń team surprise you with the track?

I don’t think so. We read it well. It wasn’t bad.

But you probably made some changes?

We weren’t lost with the settings. Juggling with the gearing wasn’t necessary.

Did you have to calm the riders in the pit lane?

I can’t see everything. But I always react on the spot.

Your team has two very important matches ahead. And the lower part of the table is tight.

It’s known that the match with NOVYHOTEL FALUBAZ Zielona Góra will be very important. The last away match as well.

It will probably be special for you? You’re going to Grudziądz. You led that club last season.

Yes, but as I mentioned earlier. In each match, we go for the full prize. So in the last two clashes, it won’t be different. We will fight for the best result.

Jakub Keller