Great news from Łódź. Witold Skrzydlewski confirms: I decided to take on the challenge and fight
14.11.2024 19:00
H.SKRZYDLEWSKA Orzeł Łódź will participate in next season’s METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga! After several months of uncertainty, the owner of the team from the city of manufacturers officially confirmed the participation of the Łódź team in 2025.
The Thursday press conference at the Moto Arena Łódź was a moment many people were waiting for. At the conference, we learned what will happen with the sixth team of the previous METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga season. Despite many assurances from president Witold Skrzydlewski about stopping the club’s sponsorship, the businessman decided to change his decision. – I certainly did not expect to stand here once again before the media as the president of H.SKRZYDLEWSKA ORZEŁ Łódź, but many things happened that led us to the decision to continue. We will not break or submit to the voices of some fans who would prefer we were not here. On the other side was a group of people striving for the sport to continue in Łódź. These were current sponsors as well as future investors. There were also benefactors, along with my family, telling me not to give up. In the face of all these voices, I decided to take on the challenge and fight. started the head of the Łódź club.
Witold Skrzydlewski announced that despite the silence, the club was not idle and will enter the new season with new ideas – We have a series of novelties ahead of us, particularly a change in the club’s management. Until now, it was singular, but from this year, there will be two more people. As we know, I can sometimes be controversial, usually speaking before thinking, and at times it would be beneficial to have more diplomacy, hence the decision to include someone else by my side. emphasized the businessman at the press conference.
Listed for sale, H.SKRZYDLEWSKA Orzeł attracted great interest, but as the owner revealed, no suitable bidder was found – Certainly, the offers received did not guarantee the club would participate in the next season of METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga. Each bidder we talked to was required to field a team. Some had ideas but were primarily interested in the club’s account and future revenues. However, there are also serious investors with whom we collaborate. In my opinion, the residents of Łódź deserve to hear the roar of speedway motorcycles at the Moto Arena once more. Will everyone enjoy it? I doubt it. We cannot please everyone, but one thing I know for sure is that H. SKRZYDLEWSKA Orzeł Łódź will compete next season. stated Witold Skrzydlewski.
More details regarding the license for the Łódź team were revealed by Marcin Ulacha – No one believed that president Skrzydlewski would arrange a farewell for Orzeł. Those were just speculations about withdrawal, while we primarily sought a serious investor prepared to meet our single condition – H.SKRZYDLEWSKA ORZEŁ cannot disappear from the Polish speedway map. We did not succeed in finding someone like that, so we decided to proceed while still seeking necessary financial support in light of recent events in other clubs. Submitting the licensing application was a certainty from the start, even if we did not continue our activities here. As of today, we meet two out of three conditions. We have settled with our riders, and we have built a lineup for the 2025 season. The only thing we currently lack is an agreement for the use of the venue for match purposes explained a member of the club’s Supervisory Board.
The coach, Maciej Jąder, commented on the lineup of H.SKRZYDLEWSKA ORZEŁ. The coach revealed the first names on the roster he will be working with. In the U24 position, we will see Mateusz Bartkowiak. Contracts were also extended with juniors – We had a very busy week, and we have finalized the lineup, which was not easy considering how much time we had. I believe we will pleasantly surprise, but at the moment, I cannot disclose too much. The team will include Mateusz Bartkowiak, Seweryn Orgacki, Jakub Kiciński, and Tomasz Szeląg. We will inform about the rest of the players soon. concluded.
Grzegorz Adamczyk