Jakobsen: we lost our footing and it stunned us

Fot. Patryk Kowalski

ARGED MALESA Ostrów Wlkp. won the second-leg semifinal match but unfortunately could not make up for the large difference from the first match. The team from Ostrów lost to ABRAMCZYK POLONIA Bydgoszcz 84:96 in the two-leg series. The best player for the hosts was Frederik Jakobsen. The Dane scored 12 points.

After the match, the top player of the ARGED MALESA Ostrów team talked about what influenced the outcome of the two-leg series. – In Bydgoszcz, we shouldn’t lose by 18 or 16 points because that’s simply too much against such a good team. It was the same this time. We looked good. Unfortunately, right after the start of the second part of the match, we got a bit lost and lost our tempo – commented Jakobsen.

The key to winning races on the track in Ostrow Wielkopolski turned out to be the starts. They were decisive for success in the semifinal. The home riders kept their fans hopeful by systematically scoring points, thereby reducing the point difference in the two-leg series. The decisive race turned out to be race number 11. Then the guest pair won 5:1. Defeating the strong pair of Holder – Jacobsen.

– We needed to score points whenever we ride. Unfortunately, in this race, both Chris and I simply lost the start and were in a bad position. Up to that point, we had been gathering points and trying to reduce the difference in the two-leg series. We lost our footing and it stunned us; we lost a few valuable points, and that was our bad luck. After that, it was very difficult – the Dane reports.

Frederik Jakobsen notes that the position of ARGED MALESA Ostrów this season was heavily influenced by the leader of the youth formation, who performed exceptionally well in the regular season, allowing them to cover gaps in the senior formation. – Well, it was good. We won the regular round and looked effective and good. We had Sebastian Szostak scoring a lot of points as a junior, and that’s valuable for a team like ours. Thanks to him, we managed to win many matches – the Dane appreciated the junior’s performance.

In the second-leg match, the home team was missing Sebastian Szostak. The junior collided with Bastian Pedersen during the 2nd round of SGP 2 organized in Riga. As a result, the Ostrów rider suffered a thoracic spine injury. – If each of us had added two or three more points to his tally, both in the away match and the second leg, it would have been a different scenario. Sebastian had a bad day in Bydgoszcz. Due to the injury, he didn’t participate in the second leg, and it played a huge role. This season was extremely successful for him – the rider concluded.

Łukasz Kolski