Hubert Jabłoński: There Was Nothing More We Could Do

Fot. Marcin Karczewski

FOGO UNIA Leszno narrowly won in Sunday’s clash with ZOOLESZCZ GKM Grudziądz. Rafał Okoniewski’s team expected more than just a narrow victory. The match was summarized on the spot by Hubert Jabłoński.

Hubert Jabłoński did not score a point in the youth race, but in his next start, he defeated the leader of ZOOLESZCZ GKM in this match, Vadim Tarasenko. – I rate my performance as good. The youth race didn’t go well; we chose the wrong settings, but for the fourth race we made a small correction to the equipment and I won that race – said the youth rider. – The track was practically the same as in practice, only the start was more challenging. During the race, it seemed to me that everything was the same, but there’s no point in dwelling on it. We need to forget about this event, there are more coming soon and we move forward – he added.

FOGO UNIA Leszno hoped to get a bonus point in this match, which would help Rafał Okoniewski’s team stay in the PGE Ekstraliga. – The plan was to win this match and get the bonus point. We couldn’t get the bonus, but we won the match. There was nothing more we could do. The opponents were strong enough that whenever we won a race, they quickly caught up, and the score remained close – admitted Hubert Jabłoński.

For the Leszno team, the most important clashes of the season are ahead. On Sunday, July 28, they must defeat BETARD SPARTA Wroclaw to extend their chances of staying in the PGE Ekstraliga. – As riders, as a club, and as an entire staff, we will simply strive to win these matches – announced the FOGO UNIA trainee.

Bartosz Glapiak