Gapiński: We will come next time and try to compete

Fot. Patryk Kowalski

H. SKRZYDLEWSKA ORZEŁ started the match against ARGED MALESA Ostrów Wielkopolski very well. After six races, the team from Łódź was leading, but then it started to rain and the match was postponed. The new date for the match in Ostrów Wielkopolski is June 7.

Tomasz Gapiński reassures and points out that leading after six races does not necessarily mean winning the entire match. He regrets that the weather didn’t cooperate, as he hoped the match would be completed. – After those six races we were leading, but that doesn’t mean we would have continued to lead. Of course, we tried to win because we need that victory. The match was interrupted, what more to comment on, it started to rain. It’s a pity there’s sunshine now. It usually happens like that. Maybe we could have waited a bit longer. There were quite a few fans, some of whom were very unhappy. That’s sports. We were all ready. It was evident that the hosts worked on the track to make it suitable for riding. Well, we will come next time – said the experienced rider of H. SKRZYDLEWSKA ORZEŁ Łódź.

He started the race with two points with a “bonus”, and in the second series he finished in the last position. He talked about his second race. Despite an ambitious fight with Frederik Jakobsen, he could not beat the Dane. – I fought with Frederik Jakobsen. I tried to overtake him – once from one side, once from the other. That’s speedway. The hosts won later. We tried and fought as hard as we could and as much as the rival allowed. We will come next time and try to compete, so that the result will finally be favorable to us – he announced.

What is the reason for the team’s poor performance at the start of the season? The rider admits that often the fight for the lineup during training has the opposite effect. He also explains his poorer performance at the beginning of the year and hopes that things will only get better now. – We started the season badly. There is one more rider and we are competing. Maybe even harder at training than at matches. I hope it will calm down soon and we will focus more on the matches. It is not easy for all of us, and everyone is giving their maximum. As for me, I can say that my start was very poor, and I will not hide it. Throughout almost the whole last year, I was not riding because I had two injuries. I started this season poorly, but it can be seen that from match to match it looks better, and I also feel better. I think it won’t get worse anymore – concluded Tomasz Gapiński.

The next match for H. SKRZYDLEWSKA ORZEŁ Łódź will take place on May 26. The team from Łódź will travel to Pomerania to face ENERGA WYBRZEŻE Gdańsk. The start of the competition is scheduled for 14:00.

Konrad Klusak