Franciszek Majewski: I had proven equipment

Fot. Jakub Malec

In the last round of the regular phase of METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga TEXOM STAL Rzeszów came to Bydgoszcz, and ABRAMCZYK POLONIA won 52:37. Player loaned from the Bydgoszcz club – Franciszek Majewski – shared his feelings after the match.

In an interview with, he assessed his performance. – I can’t complain. It could have been better, but I am reasonably satisfied – he admitted. Both the first and second attempts at the youth race saw junior TEXOM STALI Rzeszów take the lead. What was the component of this success? – I had proven equipment, which we had just tested a bit earlier. In our match against #ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ I had equipment problems, I checked things over and now that three-pointer came in – explained Franciszek Majewski.

Before being loaned to the Rzeszów club, the young speedway rider trained on the Bydgoszcz track. Was that experience useful in this match? – Unfortunately, the track was such that I could just throw that experience out of my head. It was totally different than it usually is – he said. Majewski also revealed which time of day he prefers for competitions. – I love the evening time because it’s cooler, and there’s no sun – he said. Does he, like Krzysztof Buczkowski, think that despite the lighting, it was too dark? – No, absolutely not, I didn’t notice it – he admitted.

Despite his young age, Franciszek Majewski completed 5 races. Did he expect to get so many chances? – No, but I’m always prepared for it. I want to race as much as possible and I’m happy to get the opportunity to develop and ride – he responded. He also shared whether participating in nominated heats equals more pressure for him. – I approach every race the same way, I want to win every race. But that nominated heat was also my fifth start. It’s a great experience that I try to gather – he summarized.

Aleksandra Rzepa