ABRAMCZYK POLONIA Bydgoszcz still in the fight for the leader’s chair. Home defeat of INNPRO ROW Rybnik

Fot. Zuzanna Kloskowska

ABRAMCZYK POLONIA broke the series of two consecutive away game losses and defeated INNPRO ROW 48:41. The rider of the match was the Dane Andreas Lyager, and the top scorer, as usual in Rybnik, was Brady Kurtz.

The start of the meeting clearly belonged to the Bydgoszcz team. In the first series of starts, Tomasz Bajerski’s speedway riders alternated race wins with draws. In the second series, they also began with a double win. Then, fans at the stadium on Gliwicka Street witnessed a rather unusual race where Tim Soerensen fell on the last lap. The Dane, due to an earlier defect of Jakub Jamróg, decided not to give up and ran to the finish. Unfortunately, he failed to do so within the regulation time, resulting in his exclusion.

The first team win for the hosts happened only in the seventh race, when the pair KurtzTungate defeated, among others, the fantastic this season Krzysztof Buczkowski. After that, despite a seven-point deficit, ABRAMCZYK POLONIA continued to press, while INNPRO ROW tried to defend. By the nominated races, the situation remained unchanged.

The outcome of the match was still open, but the hosts needed to win the last two races by double. The dreams of Rybnik fans were quickly dashed by Soerensen and Buczkowski, who won 5:1 in the fourteenth race. INNPRO ROW bounced back in the next race, also scoring five points. The bonus went to ABRAMCZYK POLONIA.

Full results available HERE.

Marcin Rusewicz