Tomasz Bajerski stays in Bydgoszcz: I like working with specific people

Tomasz Bajerski, after an unfulfilled mission to advance to the PGE Ekstraliga, will stay at ABRAMCZYK POLONIA Bydgoszcz for another season, in which he will again fight for the club’s return to the elite. He explained the reasons for his decision and what awaits us in the coming year in the interview below.

Marcin Rusewicz ( Was the decision to stay in Bydgoszcz difficult?

Tomasz Bajerski (coach of ABRAMCZYK POLONIA Bydgoszcz): Not really. Even before the playoffs or after the first round of playoffs, the president said that regardless of the result, whether we advance or not, he wants me to stay in Bydgoszcz.

What convinced you to stay?

I enjoy working with specific people in clubs where one person decides everything and you handle things with them, so this aspect was very appealing to me.

I understand that in Bydgoszcz, this person is Jerzy Kanclerz?

That’s correct.

This year, ABRAMCZYK POLONIA lost only two ties. What is your contribution to this?

I personally place a lot of emphasis on making the track consistent. Of course, the weather can sometimes thwart our plans, but when it’s cooler, we pour less water, and when it’s warmer, more, so there’s always a lot of work with the track and maintaining its consistency.

Is this work going well for you?

Of course, it is. I’m sure of it because I know how much we work with the track master, what we do, and how we prepare it, plus the people who help us. Everything is done to make the track consistent, and it certainly was.

Besides that, you didn’t lose a single match at home, so I can’t believe you didn’t have offers from other clubs. Were there any?

I had inquiries, but as I said, my word is worth more than money, so if I told President Kanclerz that I wanted to stay, and we shook hands on it, then we’re staying in Bydgoszcz.

I assume the goal compared to last season doesn’t change, but the team composition did. Do you think the current lineup of ABRAMCZYK POLONIA has similar chances for promotion as before?

I think the lineup is now more balanced regarding the riders, who are also more predictable, so we’ll base our efforts on that. The most important thing is that the goal remains unchanged, but other teams aren’t sleeping either and are strong, so we’re slowly heading to the finals. I believe that even if we made any mistakes, we certainly won’t repeat those mistakes, at least on my part or the club’s, because everything will be in the hands of the riders, who will have everything prepared as it was this year.

Photo by Jarosław Pabijan

We know you were very close to signing Robert Chmiel, but ultimately, it ended with Szymon Woźniak. Were you happy with how it turned out?

Of course, I was happy, although it was unfortunate for Robert Chmiel, but that’s how speedway is. We imagine a scenario where Bydgoszcz doesn’t take advantage of this opportunity and doesn’t take Szymon Woźniak.

That’s the business rule…

As I said, it’s unfortunate that it happened, but consider other clubs and riders. It’s simply business rules, and riders also behave this way with clubs, often. I think President explained everything clearly to Robert, and there wasn’t any major scandal.

Which club do you see as the biggest rival? I assume it’s FOGO UNIA…

Definitely Leszno, Rzeszów, Krosno, Ostrów as well, I think there will be more good clubs next year that will fight for promotion to the PGE Ekstraliga.

In 2025, we’ll have a new competition system where four teams will enter the playoffs again. Is it a relief for a coach that the road to the finals is a bit shorter?

I think so. I believe this system will be good, both for the fans and for everyone.

Next year, Maksymilian Pawełczak will turn sixteen. Assuming you are following his development, would you want to use him if the opportunity arises next year?

I don’t know how our juniors will perform. If not well, we will definitely consider using him.

Will Emil Maroszek also be available to you next season?

Yes. Emil Maroszek, Bartosz Nowak, and talks with other juniors are still being conducted by the president.

Marcin Rusewicz