Tobiasz J. Musielak: Finally Found My Settings

Fot. Marcin Karczewski

In the first semifinal match of the National Speedway League, POLONIA Piła lost to UNIA Tarnów 38:52. The home team’s junior, Tobiasz Jakub Musielak, performed well, scoring 6 points.

In an interview for, the young rider assessed his performance. – I think definitely on the plus side. It’s the second league competition in a row where I’ve scored good points and felt good on the track. It’s hard for me to say if we still have a chance in Tarnów, but we won’t give up. I definitely want to maintain the form I’ve been showing – he admitted. The rider also answered the question of what was missing for victory in this match. – Definitely Adam Ellis. He is our leader – he assessed. Is the lack of a substitute due to the hope that the rider will recover in time for the rematch in Tarnów? – Yes, everyone is keeping their fingers crossed for Adam’s health and everyone definitely wants him to support us on the track – he revealed.

The Piła club rider also explained what the reason for the improved result compared to the last match on the Bydgoszcz track was. – I trained a lot for sure. We put a lot of work into the equipment. I think I’ve invested a lot in recent times. In Opole, I was riding on a different engine than in this match, and these two engines suit me very well. I think that finally, although it’s the end of the season, I found the settings I wanted – he stated. At the very end, Tobiasz Jakub Musielak assessed which of the ‘home’ tracks suits him more. – I think Bydgoszcz, as a track geometry, suits me better – he confessed.

Aleksandra Rzepa