Szymon Bańdur: I’d like my physique to get better and better

Fot. Jan Kwieciński

After Friday’s Junior Team Reserve Tournament in Tarnów, Szymon Bańdur spoke about his feelings regarding the season, challenges on the track, and the factors that contributed to CELLFAST WILKI Krosno’s failure to reach the semifinals of the METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga. – Above all, injuries. They kept knocking us down – he pointed out in an interview for

In Tarnów, the player from the Krosno club took 6th place with a score of 11 points. The youth player emphasized that his goal is to improve his technique and work on his physique, which is a key element of further development. – At the end of the season, I definitely want to improve some shortcomings that have been bothering me all year. I want my physique to get better and better. In recent days, there have been great tracks to improve it, so I focused on that and I think with each race, I felt better and better – our interviewee commented.

Bańdur admitted that he had no particular expectations before the events, and after the recent Polish Junior Team Championship, his main goal was to finish the competition on the track safely. – To be honest, I wasn’t aiming for anything now because, in the last round of DMPJ, I really just hoped to reach the finish line safely. It’s great that it turned out the way it did, and I can be happy with a good place – added the 18-year-old.

The speedway rider of CELLFAST WILKI Krosno without hesitation pointed out what he believed was the biggest reason for the team’s early exit from the competition. – Above all, injuries. They kept knocking us down because our leaders, who were pulling our team, kept getting sidelined and that weakened us significantly – concluded Szymon Bańdur.

Weronika Cich