Ratajczak: I feel ready to compete (conference before #LESWRO)

– The track in the last match was different than usual, but it was fair for everyone. We have our own plan for preparing the surface, said Rafał Okoniewski, manager of FOGO UNIA Leszno.

We’ve sorted out the equipment, and the frequent number of starts is yielding results, which is why my performance is improving. We want to show a good side – said Antoni Mencel, a rider of FOGO UNIA Leszno.

It’s a pity about the fall in the last competition, but I feel better. I’ve already completed two training sessions, and I’m feeling better on the motorcycle. I’m glad that after such injuries, I can ride and enjoy motorcycling – stated Damian Ratajczak, a rider of FOGO UNIA Leszno.