Maciej Janowski: we showed that we are a strong team

Fot. Ewelina Włoch-Wrońska

BETARD SPARTA Wrocław, in the last match of the regular season of PGE Ekstraliga, defeated OIL ORLEN MOTOR Lublin 49:41 on their home track. Thus, they maintained their winning streak at the Olympic Stadium, adding two major points. Captain Maciej Janowski talked about the emotions accompanying the match in an interview with

Magdalena Świergała ( You are an undefeated team on the Wrocław track. Did you expect to maintain this good streak?

Maciej Janowski (BETARD SPARTA Wrocław): We were determined to keep it up. A good test before the play-off phase. We showed that we are a strong team, despite the absence of Tai Woffinden. Bartłomiej Kowalski had great matches, scoring a full set of points. I believe it won’t be his last.

Do you remember your first full-paid set in PGE Ekstraliga?

I have no idea. Honestly, I don’t keep track of statistics and the past. I try to look ahead.

The entire speedway Wrocław was waiting for the match against the current Polish champions. Did you feel the importance of this match?

Every match is important for us. Racing against the Polish champion always generates greater emotions and a desire to show our best on the track. Everything worked well from the start. The entire team put in their all to secure the victory. We received a lot of support from the fans in the stands, which additionally motivated us.

Many people say that you are the best at riding in pairs. In the third race, together with Francis Gusts, you tried pair riding, which ultimately ended in a 4:2 victory.

We were close to winning 5:1. When possible, I like riding in pairs; it gives me a lot of satisfaction. We need to practice such maneuvers to avoid misunderstandings with our teammates.

Does the victory over ORLEN OIL MOTOR Lublin boost your confidence before the play-off phase?

It’s definitely encouraging, but let’s stay calm. It’s just the regular phase, so we need to maintain this and prepare as best as possible to compete for the final.

It was a week full of emotions for you. You celebrated your 33rd birthday; do you consider the victory a present?

Yes, I will treat it as such, but there’s no time for celebration. This victory is like a “candle” on that cake.

Magdalena Świergała