Lampart: I want to prove through work and attitude that I deserve a chance

Fot. Łukasz Trzeszczkowski

For the first time this season, Wiktor Lampart found himself outside the main lineup of KS APATORA Toruń. In the match against ZOOLESZCZ GKM Grudziądz, the U24 player was listed as number 16 but did not appear on the track even once.

Unfortunately, speedway hasn’t been too kind to you recently. Your poor form led the coach to choose Anders Rowe, who, to be fair, did a solid job. How do you see this situation? Do you have a potential recovery plan to regain your spot in the lineup? Have you talked to the coach?

Wiktor Lampart (KS APATOR Toruń): If I’m honest, I haven’t spoken to the coach. I haven’t received any information from him. It’s also hard to find a potential alternative. The season is ending, and I intend to keep working. I’m still learning, searching, fighting; this is just the beginning of my development. The last few matches haven’t gone as I hoped; I’ve been sidelined, but that isn’t my decision. I don’t intend to dwell on it; I want to prove through work and attitude that I deserve a chance.

Are you starting to think about the future, or do you approach it calmly and always try to analyze the available options rationally? Do you still see your future with KS APATOR?

I intend to continue working here. I believe I will get that chance.

Would you like to comment on the recent remarks by coach Baron about you rejecting the club’s equipment support? What does the situation look like from your perspective? How are you trying to find the right settings?

I didn’t reject the club’s help. One of the available engines met my expectations very well, and I have already tested it on the track. In the latest encounter, however, I decided to go with my original units because they allowed me to achieve much better results during training. I felt they would perform better. Unfortunately, my vision didn’t play out. Testing the available units, I became convinced that my engines would handle better, which led to my downfall to some extent. For that match, I invested in more new engines, but due to the coach’s decision, I haven’t had the chance to test them yet.