KLŻ: Victory of OPTIBET LOKOMOTIV Daugavpils, canceled matches in Opole and Tarnów

In the 10th round of the National Speedway League, only one match took place. OPTIBET LOKOMOTIV Daugavpils won against TRANS MF Landshut Devils 52:37. The matches between UNIA Tarnów and ULTRAPUR START Gniezno and OK KOLEJARZ Opole and POLONIA Piła were canceled due to adverse weather conditions.

In the match in Latvia, the home team’s leader was Daniils Kolodinskis (14+1), who scored a ‘paid maximum’. On the guest side, the best performances were by Sandro Wasserman (9+1) and Erik Riss (9).

Results (according to WP SportoweFakty):


  1. Rene Bach – 9+1 (3,2*,3,1,-)
  2. Kasts Puodzuks – 8 (3,3,1,1,-)
  3. Daniils Kolodinskis – 14+1 (2*,3,3,3,3)
  4. Olegs Mihailovs – 6+1 (3,2*,1,0)
  5. Jevgenijs Kostigovs – 8 (1,1,3,3,-)
  6. Damir Filimonovs – 0 (w,-,0,w)
  7. Nikita Kaulins – 6+1 (2,0,2*,2)
  8. Artjoms Juhno – 1 (1,0)

TRANS MF Landshut Devils – 37

  1. Kim Nilsson – 7+1 (w,3,2,2*,-)
  2. Victor Palovaara – 6+1 (0,2*,2,0,1,1)
  3. Marius Hillebrand – 2 (1,1,-,0)
  4. Sandro Wasserman – 9+1 (2,w,1*,3,3)
  5. Erik Riss – 9 (2,1,2,2,2)
  6. Marlon Hegener – 1 (1,d,0)
  7. Mario Hausl – 3 (3,0,0,d)

Canceled matches will take place on August 11 (Sunday). The match between UNIA TARNÓW and ULTRAPUR START Gniezno is scheduled for 14:00. Meanwhile, the match between OK KOLEJARZ Opole and POLONIA Piła is set for 17:00.

Aleksandra Rzepa