Franciszek Majewski: I am ashamed of how I drove (interview)

Fot. Jakub Malec

TEXOM STEEL Rzeszów, with the match against #ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ Poznań, concluded the regular phase at the stadium at H69. The youth rider from Rzeszów, Franciszek Majewski, in a conversation with, summarized his individual performance in this match in a few sentences.

Klaudia Waltoś ( What are your feelings about the entire season and your riding in Rzeszów colors? Did you manage to acclimatize?

Franciszek Majewski (TEXOM STEEL Rzeszów): There is a very nice atmosphere in Rzeszów. Everything is well managed, I like it and I am happy that I will be able to ride here in the next season.

Are you satisfied with your individual result? You scored three points and two bonuses in five races, including participating in two nominated heats. Starting in them is usually a big distinction for a junior.

I am not satisfied. Honestly, I am ashamed of how I drove. I fought, gave it my all, but as you can see, it wasn’t enough.

You were racing against much more experienced riders. I think there is no reason for shame.

Every race is such that I want to win it, no matter who I race against. I go into each race with the same mindset.

Despite everything, surely there was something in this match that you could praise yourself for?

In the second race. I’m glad I managed to overtake the rider who was in front of me. In truth, that’s the only positive, because I lost all the starts, which used to be my strong point. In this match, I somehow lost that strength.

Did you guys make a lot of changes to the motorcycle?

I changed practically everything and nothing suited me. Two motorcycles, I tried all the possible sprockets, but unfortunately, nothing worked.

Now you have a very important away match in Bydgoszcz. You have ridden there, you have experience with that track. What is your approach to this meeting?

My approach is the same as for every match. I ride to win as many races as possible. Team-wise, we also want to win – just like always.

Do you feel a bit more confident because you might have a bit more experience with this track than some of your teammates?

No, not really. Actually, this season every track I go to is an away track for me. I don’t have that ‘home’ track. I have ridden in Bydgoszcz a few times, but is that really more experience? The guys have been riding for a very long time, like Nicki Pedersen, and you can’t really compare my experience with his.