ENERGA WYBRZEŻE Gdańsk wins the first match of the season. Bonus goes to Rzeszów

Fot. Łukasz Trzeszkowski

Fans in Gdańsk were able to see their team win for the first time this season. ENERGA WYBRZEŻE won 48:41 against TEXOM STAL, and the rider of the match was Joshua Pickering.

The match started with two victories for the guests, first 4:2, and then 5:0, as points were later deducted from Bartosz Tyburski for non-regulation tires. The hosts quickly started to make up for the losses.

After the second series, the advantage of TEXOM STAL was only two points. After the third, the scoreboard indicated a tie. The eleventh race marked the first lead for ENERGA WYBRZEŻE in the match, thanks to Tom Brennan and Krzysztof Kasprzak.

An unusual situation occurred in the twelfth race. On the last lap, Bartosz Tyburski fell on the track, rendering him unable to continue the competition and he had to be transported to the hospital by ambulance. At that time, the Rzeszów team decided to file a protest. It was about Tyburski’s tire, which was found to be against the regulations. The referee decided to issue the junior a red card and deduct all the points he had gained that day.

Before the nominated races, the Gdańsk riders were already leading by five points. In them, specifically in the fifteenth race, Niels Kristian Iversen together with Tom Brennan sealed the first victory of the year for ENERGA WYBRZEŻE. In the aggregate score, however, TEXOM STAL Rzeszów won 93:86.

Full results available HERE.

Marcin Rusewicz