Dominik Kubera after 2024 DEWALT FIM SGP of Poland – Torun: I’m happy to finish with this result

Fot. Marta Mróz

Dominik Kubera has repeatedly shown that he counts in the fight with the best for the title of Individual World Champion. Thanks to his riding, he has repeatedly reached the semi-finals, and even finals of individual FIM SGP rounds. He finished the final competition in 8th position in the overall standings. After the round concluding the entire cycle, in a conversation with the media, he summarized his feelings and thoughts about the entire fight for the World Championship.

I gained a lot of experience this year and I’m very happy about it – the rider began. – There were races where I started terribly, but finished very well, and that motivated me – he added.

Dominik Kubera performed phenomenally on the track during the Torun SGP round. The Pole won almost every one of his heats, thus triumphing in the main round. However, he finished the semi-final race in last place, thereby losing his chance of winning the event. – In the semi-final everything went according to plan: I started well, I drove the first bend as I wanted. I let the bike go too hard, didn’t control it, my concentration dropped slightly, and it turned out the way it did. It’s good that no one got hurt. Great that I had a good race, won the main round of the Grand Prix cycle, where the best in the world compete. It is building for me – the rider said.

Despite good performances throughout the season, the Polish representative did not manage to make it into the top “six” of the overall standings, who remain in the cycle for the next season. Kubera emphasized, however, that he is pleased with how the entire season went. – I’m happy to finish this Grand Prix season healthy and intact. Of course, I would have liked to stay, but that’s life. I gained a lot of experience in this difficult season for me – I would even say the hardest in my career. I changed a lot, made a lot of bold decisions this season. I’m happy to finish with such a result – explained the ORLEN OIL MOTOR Lublin rider.

Not making the direct advancement does not, however, rule Kubera out of next year’s edition of the cycle. He still has a chance to secure a place through the SGP Challenge in Pardubice (October 4th). – Of course, it would have been better if I had stayed, but I still have the Grand Prix Challenge, where I will fight until the last heat. There will always be a feeling of insufficiency because everyone wants to stay and have a calm head, to ride with the best in the world. Maybe the time for champagne and trophies will come. I am satisfied with the experiences I and my entire team have gained – concluded the Polish representative.

Klaudia Waltoś