Dariusz Śledź on the away victory in Grudziądz: We finally waited for it

Fot. Łukasz Trzeszczkowski

The full points in the quarterfinals against ZOOLESZCZ GKM Grudziądz were taken by BETARD SPARTA Wrocław. – In Grudziądz, many teams struggled this season. That’s why this away victory is so joyful. We finally waited for it! – said a delighted Dariusz Śledź, coach of the Polish vice-champions.

Jakub Keller (ekstraliga.pl): A clear victory in Grudziądz gives you a ticket to the semifinals. How do you assess the performance of your players in this rematch, quarterfinal match?

Dariusz Śledź (coach of BETARD SPARTA Wrocław): The most important thing for me is that we executed the plan we set before the match. We knew it wouldn’t be an easy match, as the Grudziądz team was lifted by their recent victories and their long-awaited advancement to the playoffs. From what I know, fans had been waiting for this for a long time.

From the beginning, the match was under your control. Were you surprised that everything went so smoothly?

We were simply happy about it. Although in the middle phase of the match the hosts started to catch up, luckily we managed to win this match.

Photo: Dariusz Ryl

Was the comeback by Grudziądz due to your moment of weakness? Or do you think the hosts found the right settings?

I think the hosts started to adapt appropriately. The most important thing is that we took the full points in the two-leg match.

You haven’t been riding well in Grudziądz recently, have you?

Many teams have struggled on the Grudziądz track this season, including us. It’s a very challenging venue. That’s why this victory is even more satisfying.

And it’s worth noting, this is your first away victory this season…

Exactly. Finally! We’ve waited a long time for this, but we made it.

Recent performances by Daniel Bewley and Bartosz Kowalski in Grudziądz haven’t been encouraging before this match, have they?

That’s true, but Daniel prepared excellently for this match. He took full advantage of our two away training sessions, prepared the right engines, and rode the best he could.

Photo: Dariusz Ryl

This training probably also benefited the juniors? Are you satisfied with them?

Of course. They did what they were supposed to do. Overall, I feel they are riding better and better.

Francis Gusts probably won’t have good memories of this match, will he?

He joined the team at a difficult time. Such a situation is uncomfortable for anyone. He tries, but sometimes he gets too heated. I think it’s not yet his moment. But we support him and believe it will be alright.

Didn’t you consider giving Jakub Krawczyk a chance in the 12th heat?

Of course, I did. But we also have Francis in the squad. If we want to enjoy his riding in the future, we need to give him opportunities.

This is the famous “building a rider”?

We can call it whatever we want. The important thing is for every rider to feel confident on the bike.

Jakub Keller