Bartosz Zmarzlik: We couldn’t find the settings at all

The Polish team finished 5th in the FIM Speedway of Nations final. After the competition, Bartosz Zmarzlik evaluated the performance of the team and the track in Manchester.

The competition didn’t go our way. We had big trouble finding the right settings. We were simply weak – emphasized the team leader.

Undoubtedly, the 11th race incident affected Bartosz Zmarzlik’s performance, where referee Aleksander Latosiński disqualified the Pole for touching the tape. – Because of that, I lost the race. We had to search for the settings all over again. After the first, winning race against the Latvians, I didn’t change anything, but the track changed dramatically. It was hard to ‘patch’ everything up – said the 4-time world champion.

The Poles were also not helped by the introduction to the track in Manchester during the 1st semifinal. As noted by the person concerned, the track for the final was completely different than on previous days. – Every evening it was something different. You can’t complain about the track because it was ok, but it was very hard to find any settings that worked well. There were very specific things that we were not used to. We had to go against logic. After the winning race against the Danes, we made literally minimal adjustments to improve the end of the straight, but it turned out there was neither the start nor the distance – concluded Bartosz Zmarzlik.

Wiktor Jarzębiński