Bartosz Curzytek: We’ve been training hard on the Bydgoszcz track

Fot. Jarosław Pabijan

In the match between ABRAMCZYK POLONIA Bydgoszcz and #ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ Poznań, the hosts grabbed the three-point pool, winning 55:35. Bartosz Curzytek debuted for the Bydgoszcz club, winning his first race in the colors of the Bydgoszcz club.

In an interview for, the junior commented on his and the entire team’s performance. – I rate it very well. The match is won. I also won that first race. Later, in my second start, I got a bit lost. I hesitated a bit on the first turn, and later I was following the boys and didn’t really know where I was going because it was very dusty. I reached the finish line more cautiously then-, admitted the junior.

The Bydgoszcz team’s speedway rider also talked about how he prepared for this match. – I trained here on Friday before the match. I was very fast. I got very good equipment. They were club engines, but Adrian Miedziński used them before. They are really fast; I just need to put a bit more effort on the track-, he revealed.

Bartosz Curzytek also shared his impressions of the Bydgoszcz track. – The track is very difficult to learn. I think anyone who comes here always has some problem-, said the junior. Was this a problem when deciding to go on loan? – I knew it would be tough. The coach told me straight that I was moving on loan, but I would come here, and we would train hard. I was supposed to be here on Wednesday, but on Thursday, I had to be at a competition in Rybnik. I arrived on Friday. We trained for a very long time, and I think there is some small effect, but everything is ahead of us-, the speedway rider concluded.

Aleksandra Rzepa