ARGED MALESA Ostrów Wlkp. still the leader of METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga. Defeat for CELLFAST WILKI Krosno

Fot. Patryk Kowalski

Despite a weaker start to this match, ARGED MALESA Ostrów Wlkp. could enjoy a final victory, reaching a difference of as much as twenty-two points. The rider of the match was Gleb Chugunov.

The battle between these two teams had its favorite, so it was a surprise for everyone when CELLFAST WILKI led 9:2 after two races. This was partly due to the double exclusion of the hosts in the first heat of the day, where Wiktor Jasiński fell, and Chris Holder recorded a defect. The Ostrowians quickly started making up for the losses and before the second series of starts, they were trailing their rivals by just one point.

The fifth race ended with a result of 3:2, showing a tie on the scoreboard. Then, after winning the seventh race, ARGED MALESA took the lead, which they held until the end.

From that moment, the guests could not win a single team race. Similar to the simultaneously played match in Rzeszów, a knockout blow came in the thirteenth race, when Mariusz Staszewski’s riders won 5:1. The lead before the nominated races was already fourteen points, which was impossible for Krosno to make up. In them, ARGED MALESA Ostrów Wlkp. added two more 5:1 wins and, apart from two match points, also secured the bonus.

Full results available HERE.

Marcin Rusewicz