ŻUŻEL/NEWS/M2E: Jakub Kozaczyk on Radia Poznań: We must be one big family

Fot. Jarosław Pabijan

President of HUNTERS PSŻ, Jakub Kozaczyk, and team manager and Academy Scorpion coordinator Maciej Wróblewski were guests on the Sportowa Arena program in Radia Poznań. The officials talked about the ongoing training camp in Władysławowo, the team’s goals for the next season and the rapidly developing school.

  • Besides the interview with the guests in the studio, Radio Poznań also connected with coach Eryk Jóźwiak and Bartosz Smektała, who are currently at the training camp in Władysławowo.
  • I am pleased that the team is integrating and getting to know each other better. We must be one big family – said the club president.
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The first matches of the METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga will take place in just over a month. How are the speedway riders from HUNTERS PSŻ doing at this stage of preparation? – The speedway season is very intense, and riders compete on different days of the week in different leagues, so they must be prepared for quick recovery. We conducted endurance tests in November and now, to see how our riders have worked through the winter period. Everyone made progress, so it’s great that such work has been done and everyone contributed – said the new coach of HUNTERS PSŻ Eryk Jóźwiak for Radia Poznań.

Club president Jakub Kozaczyk also spoke about the training camp. – I am pleased that the team is integrating and getting to know each other better. We must form a monolith and be one big family, and to do that, shared time together, like during such a camp, is necessary – he added.

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Posted by PSŻ Poznań on Tuesday, March 4, 2025

After the 2024 season, HUNTERS PSŻ parted ways with coach Adam Skórnicki, while at the same time WYBRZEŻE Gdańsk ended their cooperation with Eryk Jóźwiak, which opened up an opportunity for Poznań’s officials. As Jakub Kozaczyk said, choosing the new coach was not difficult at all. – Several years ago, some riders recommended coach Jóźwiak to me, saying he creates a great atmosphere in the team, where no one argues, and they support each other like a wall. He is someone who takes his work very seriously. He spends time in our club from morning till evening, and after all the feedback, we wanted to have him in our club. We are glad he is already with us – we heard on Radia Poznań.

The 2025 season is also the second year of the speedway school operation in Poznań, coordinated by Maciej Wróblewski. – The year 2024 was a nod to the club’s president and other management members who decided that this was the moment to establish a school and train students who will strengthen our team. The school started before the previous season began, and it was mostly about gaining experience. We started from scratch; we hardly had any particular knowledge or skills, because running such a school is also a skill. Nothing comes by itself. A lot of work needs to be put in to make it function sport-wise, equipment-wise, and to recruit these students – said Wróblewski. More about training in Poznań can be read HERE.

Marcin Rusewicz