WP SportoweFakty: Bartłomiej Kowalski guest of PGE Ekstraliga magazine (25.07.24, 13:00)

Fot. Ewelina Włoch-Wrońska

Bartłomiej Kowalski will talk about his transformation in away matches. Piotr Żyto will express his opinion on the future and performance of Tai Woffinden. More on Thursday in the PGE Ekstraliga Magazine on WP SportoweFakty. Start at 13:00.

Bartłomiej Kowalski had a terrifying crash on Friday. The Wrocław player in the first race clipped the rear wheel of Patryk Dudek and went straight into the barrier. He hit it at the height of the entrance gate to the machine park and did so hard enough that it even opened. Ultimately, he scored seven points and two bonuses in the competition. Did he feel the effects of the incident the next day?

I feel at home in Sparta – declares Kowalski. So, does he see his shorter and longer future tied to Wrocław colors? Staying on the team topic, it can’t be denied that it’s not performing as expected. What is the reason for this? Finally, Mateusz Puka will talk about Bartłomiej’s younger brother, who recently passed the speedway license.

Full preview of the magazine HERE.