The People of Bydgoszcz Still Undefeated on Their Own Track. Defeat for #ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ Poznań

Fot. Jarosław Pabijan

#ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ Poznań couldn’t achieve another surprise. ABRAMCZYK POLONIA won 55:35 and grabbed the bonus point. The rider of the match was Krzysztof Buczkowski.

The duel began as most fans had expected. The hosts won the first three races and already had an eight-point lead after the first series. In the second series, there were two draws and one victory for ABRAMCZYK POLONIA. Adam Skórnicki’s team’s deficit increased.

In the eighth race, there was a very serious-looking crash involving Mateusz Dul. The Pole hit the barrier without ‘airbags’ with full force and was taken to the ambulance. As reported several dozen minutes later on Canal+ Sport5, Dul did not sustain any serious injuries and came out of the crash unscathed, but he is heavily bruised.

ABRAMCZYK POLONIA continued their journey to get three points in this match. Another excellent performance was recorded by Krzysztof Buczkowski, who scored thirteen points. Only Oleksandr Loktayev had more, with as many as sixteen. The nominated races ended with a score of 4:2 – once in favor of the Bydgoszcz team, and once in favor of the Poznań team.

Full results available HERE.

Marcin Rusewicz