SPEEDWAY/INTERVIEW/M2E: Patryk Wojdyło after the ORZEŁ training camp in Cetniewo: We all get along well

Fot. Jan Kwieciński

Patryk Wojdyło is one of six new speedway riders for ORZEŁ Łódź who decided to change teams after the 2024 season. The 25-year-old spent the last year in Krosno, where, representing CELLFAST WILKÓW, he became the 31st rider in the METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga, which as he admits, was not his best performance. He talks about this and his preparations for the upcoming season in the interview below.

  • ORZEŁ recently participated in a training camp at COS Cetniewo in Władysławowo. The camp lasted just under a week.
  • The camp was really successful and I am pleasantly surprised – says Patryk Wojdyło.
  • Besides Wojdyło, four new senior riders have joined ORZEŁ Łódź. These are Robert Chmiel, Vaclav Milik, Patrick Hansen, and Andreas Lyager.
  • Follow our official profiles on social media

Marcin Rusewicz (ekstraliga.pl): First of all, I’d like to ask how you like the new club? You’ve just finished a training camp, how are the preparations for the season going?

Patryk Wojdyło (ORZEŁ Łódź): The camp was really successful and I am pleasantly surprised. I clicked with all the guys, which is a big plus.

ORZEŁ is a completely new team compared to last year and almost everyone is new. What’s the atmosphere like in the team considering there are more of you than there are spots on the team?

Of course, it’s always a bit of a challenge. I think it’s designed to keep everyone motivated to perform at 120 percent. It doesn’t bother us, and we all get along well. Everyone is striving to be the best.

Melduję się!Jestem już na zgrupowaniu Orła Łódź. W sobotę były testy, a teraz ciężko pracujemy pod okiem trenera, żeby być w jak najlepszej formie na nowy sezon! ️ #OrzełŁódź #PrzygotowaniaDoSezonu #Żużel

Posted by Patryk Wojdyło on Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Last season marked your return to Krosno. Was it successful or not really, considering you are now with ORZEŁ?

Definitely not. If someone had asked me before that season whether I’d consider such an outcome, I wouldn’t have. I envisioned it completely differently, but as I always say, the track verifies everything, and it did.

Did you have any offers from other clubs besides ORZEŁ?

There were a few offers, but Łódź was the most concrete, so I chose ORZEŁ.

Will you be riding in the British league in the upcoming season?

At the moment, I’m not planning to, though some discussions are happening. I want to focus on Poland, and that’s my priority.

What benefits do you get from riding in Great Britain? How does it help when you return to Polish tracks?

It primarily teaches you different habits. It’s a slightly different style of speedway. It teaches different riding techniques and cornering. The tracks are definitely shorter, sharper, and more demanding. It’s definitely something interesting.

Nieustanie to samo. Ciężka praca podczas #OrzełNaObozie ⚡️🦅#METALKAS2Ekstraliga

Posted by KŻ Orzeł Łódź on Thursday, February 27, 2025

Who would you recommend it to?

I think to the youngest – those who are just starting.

You are already a two-time Argentine champion. Haven’t you been tempted to try to win the trophy a third time?

It’s natural to always want more, but this year I decided to focus on myself and what’s happening in Poland and European speedway, which is why I stayed here.

For Polish speedway riders, do trips to Argentina pay off financially, or do you go there “just” for the experience and good results?

I think mainly for the experience – most often to see what it’s like.

What are your main goals for the next season? What would you like to achieve or qualify for to be satisfied with yourself by the year’s end?

I would like to achieve a lot. The track will verify if I’ve worked hard through the winter, but I think I just want to perform better than this year.

Photo by Jan Kwieciński

Marcin Rusewicz