Poles Win Gold Medal at U23 European Team Championships

Fot. Patryk Kowalski

On Saturday afternoon in Krakow, the final of the U23 European Team Championships took place. During this event, the Poles proved to be the best, claiming their fourth consecutive gold medal.

The Polish athletes performed excellently on the Krakow track and with 43 points secured first place. The team included: Bartłomiej Kowalski, Jakub Krawczyk, Bartosz Bańbor, Wiktor Przyjemski, and the flawless Mateusz Cierniak. Second place (31 points) was taken by the Czech team comprising: Daniel Klima, Matous Kamenik, Jan Macek, Adam Bednar, and Jan Kvech. Meanwhile, in third place with 25 points were the Danish riders – Benjamin Basso, Villads Nagel, Mikkel Andersen, Kevin Juhl Pedersen, and Bastian Pedersen.

U23 European Team Championships Final Results: (via sportowefakty.wp.pl)

Poland – 43 points

  1. Bartłomiej Kowalski – 8 (3,u,2,3,w)
  2. Jakub Krawczyk – 6 (3,3,w,-,-)
  3. Bartosz Bańbor – 12 (3,3,1,2,3)
  4. Wiktor Przyjemski – 2 (2,0,-,-,-)
  5. Mateusz Cierniak – 15 (3,3,3,3,3)

Czech Republic – 31 points

  1. Daniel Klima – 9 (2,2,2,2,1)
  2. Matous Kamenik – 1 (0,-,-,0,1)
  3. Jan Macek – 1 (1,0,-,-,-)
  4. Adam Bednar – 7 (1,2,2,1,1)
  5. Jan Kvech – 13 (3,3,3,2,2)

Denmark – 25 points

  1. Benjamin Basso – 8 (3,1,1,1,2)
  2. Villads Nagel – 2 (w,1,-,1,-)
  3. Mikkel Andersen – 5 (2,0,2,1)
  4. Kevin Juhl Pedersen – 4 (0,-,-,3,1)
  5. Bastian Pedersen – 6 (2,w,1,2,1)

Sweden – 20 points

  1. Casper Henriksson – 8 (2,3,0,0,3)
  2. Noel Wahlqvist – 5 (0,2,1,2,0)
  3. Sammy Van Dyck – 2 (1,1,-,-)
  4. Rasmus Karlsson – 1 (-,1,0,0)
  5. Philip Hellstroem-Baengs – 4 (1,3,0,0,d)

Paula Pacyga