Patryk Dudek with a wild card for the Grand Prix tournament in Torun

Patryk Dudek received another nomination to participate in the Grand Prix tournament. After his performance in Wroclaw, it was decided to grant the 2017 world runner-up a wild card for the second time this season. This time for the final round – in Torun.

Dudek had a successful performance in Wroclaw. He finished the competition at the semifinal stage and ultimately took fifth place with eleven points.

At the Grand Prix in Torun, besides Dudek’s nomination, the reserves will be Oskar Paluch and Krzysztof Lewandowski.

Patryk Dudek z „dziką kartą” na #TORUNSGP 🔥, a Antonio – Antoni Kawczyński #429 na #TORUNSGP2 💪🏻

Posted by Klub Sportowy Toruń on Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Marcin Rusewicz