Mateusz Świdnicki loaned to #ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ Poznań

Fot. Zuzanna Kloskowska

Mateusz Świdnicki, until recently a speedway rider for TEXOM STAL, has been loaned from Rzeszów to #ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ Poznań. The rider participated in four matches this season, in which he did not score any points.

Discussions regarding Mateusz’s loan began right after the match in Rzeszów. The club from Rzeszów knew that we currently have an injury to Mateusz Dul, our main U24 rider, and as such, we decided to explore this option. We believe in Mateusz, who received extensive support from us, from the possibility of training before the match with Ostrów to lending equipment. We took care of Mateusz as much as we could, while believing that he will be able to help us in upcoming matches – says Jacek Kannenberg, manager of #ORZECHOWAOSADA PSŻ Poznań.

#Kompania2024Mateusz Świdnicki Racing Team dołącza do naszego klubu na zasadzie wypożyczenia z H69 Speedway…

Posted by PSŻ Poznań on Saturday, August 3, 2024

Marcin Rusewicz