High victory of INNPRO ROW Rybnik over ENERGA WYBRZEŻE Gdańsk. Full points for Jakub Jamróg.

The match between INNPRO ROW Rybnik and ENERGA WYBRZEŻE Gdańsk ended with a 56:34 victory. The rider of the match was Brady Kurtz. The Australian scored ten points and two bonuses in this meeting.

The match started favorably for the Rybnik team. First, they won 4:2, and a moment later 5:1. In contrast to the Silesian team, fans saw one of the three heat victories of ENERGA WYBRZEŻE Gdańsk in the third race. The pair Niels Kristian Iversen-Tom Brennan brought four points to the finish line at that time. After the first series, INNPRO ROW led 15:9.

In the second series, Antoni Skupień’s protégés once again started with a strong performance. Two double heat wins and one draw allowed the hosts to extend their lead to fourteen points. With each following heat, the Rybnik team was closer to overall victory.

Before the nominated heats, in the thirteenth race of the day, INNPRO ROW won 5:1 for the sixth time. In the nominated heats, there were two draws, maintaining the lead of twenty-two points. The most effective rider was undoubtedly Jakub Jamróg. The Pole was the only one in this meeting to finish first five times. ENERGA WYBRZEŻE Gdańsk lost their mathematical chance of staying in METALKAS 2. Ekstraliga after this match.

Full results available HERE.

Marcin Rusewicz