CELLFAST WILKI Krosno win against INNPRO ROW. Bonus point for the team from Rybnik

Fot. Jan Kwieciński

The match between CELLFAST WILKI Krosno and INNPRO ROW Rybnik has just ended with the hosts winning 47:43. The bonus went to Silesia, and the rider of the match was Dimitri Berge.

The meeting started with two tied heats, after which the guests began their attack. Two 4:2 wins allowed them to take a four-point lead after the first series. However, they did not enjoy it for long, as Krosno’s team won 5:1 in the fifth race, leveling the score.

The breakthrough series in the context of the entire match was the third series of starts. After one tie, CELLFAST WILKI secured two wins, taking the lead for the first time, which they held until the end.

Before the nominated races, the matter of the two match points was still open. In the fourteenth race, Kenneth Bjerre and Patryk Wojdyło brought the hosts closer to victory. In the fifteenth race, Brady Kurtz managed to secure a tie after a fight to the last meters. This did not help the Rybnik team win the match, but they did secure an equally important bonus point.

Full results available HERE.

Marcin Rusewicz