Anders Thomsen without fractures after a fall in the Danish league

Fot. Patryk Kowalski

Positive information is coming from Denmark, where on Wednesday Anders participated in the local league. His participation ended prematurely due to a fall, after which he was taken from the stadium to the hospital. The Dane is now after examinations, which did not show any fractures.

As you have probably seen in the news, I had a crash yesterday in the Danish league. I’m after medical tests and X-rays. The most important information – no fractures. Everything looks good. See you on the weekend – was communicated on Thomsen’s profile on Facebook.

These are good news for EBUT.PL STAL Gorzów, which will face BETARD SPARTA Wrocław away this weekend (May 26). The start is scheduled for 4:30 PM.

Jak pewnie widzieliście w informacjach – wczoraj miałem upadek w lidze duńskiej. Jestem po badaniach i prześwietleniach….

Posted by Anders Thomsen Racing on Thursday, May 23, 2024