07.08.2024 16:59 Greater Poland Derby for Ostrów. The bonus slipped away from the Scorpions (highlights #POZOST 40:50, 04.08.2024)
06.08.2024 13:59 Cranes promisingly end the season. Gryphons without weak points (summary #BYDRZE 52:37, 03.08.2024)
05.08.2024 11:49 Away Weakness of Spartans. Steelmen without a Bonus (dual voice #GORWRO 55:35, 08/04/2024)
05.08.2024 11:37 Angels Flew Away from Pigeons in the Pomeranian Derby (dual voice #TORGRU 54:36, 04.08.2024)
03.08.2024 12:49 Injured Bulls still in the game. Crushing start by the Goats (duologue #LUBLES 55:35, 02.08.2024)